Monday, August 9, 2010

scotch mist

  Just got back to Leconfield from a trip to Scotland. Despite the rain, or ‘Scotch mist’ as my wife calls it, we had a wonderful time.
The walks to the ‘Falls of Clyde’ were stunning and the hotel superb. We found New Lanark Mill on the internet and it was all it was cracked up to be.
It makes me realise how important it is to have a business website. For too long they have been the costly prerogative of bigger businesses but the little guys need them too. As a website builder I have decided to design and build affordable websites for firms who need a presence on the internet. For only £260 including domain name they can usually have a website up and running in round about a week.
Webword uk will make sure that start up enterprises and firms with just a few employees are up there with the rest of them.